​Although people feel it’s important to think about how America’s teachers are educated,  according to Boston College faculty member Marilyn Cochran-Smith, “they don’t agree on how teachers should be recruited, how they should be prepared, and how they should be socialized into the field of teaching.” 

Marilyn Cochran-Smith


“ngse”是一种新的教育太阳城官网生院,它提供合格的教师执照和教学硕士学位课程,但不隶属于学院或大学, said Cochran-Smith, 林奇教育与人类发展学院城市学校教师教育的考索恩教授.  

Through a grant from the Spencer Foundation, 科克伦-史密斯和她的BC大学在校生和校友调查小组调查了教师在ngse上的准备情况, a term they coined. 他们的三阶段调查的结果最近发表在由嘉宾编辑的特刊上 The New Educator, a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal. 

“有些人认为,这些新的教育太阳城官网生院将彻底改变我们培养教师的方式, improving teacher quality by relocating teacher preparation and focusing more on practice,” said Cochran-Smith, 谁的介绍性文章是从第一阶段的太阳城官网中提取出来的,为这个问题奠定了基础. “Others have sharply critiqued some nGSEs as taking a technical, 更严格的教学方法——批评人士说,这种策略将重现我们已经存在的不平等. Our goal is not to judge it, 但要深入到这些修辞和有争议的说法背后,看看新的教育太阳城官网生院到底发生了什么.”

Between 2006-2019, 12 nGSEs emerged in the increasingly crowded organizational field of teacher education, some with more than one campus, and each approved by its home state department of education. Relay GSE, with 18 campuses, is the largest; others include Boston’s Sposato GSE, High Tech High GSE in San Diego, 纽约美国自然历史博物馆理查德·吉尔德太阳城官网生院地球科学硕士项目, and Washington, D.C.TEACH-NOW GSE是一家仅在线运营的营利性组织,最近更名为莫兰德大学.

According to the researchers, 在过去的几十年里,许多政治和专业趋势汇聚在一起,“创造了一种氛围,不仅适合在ngse中出现教师准备工作。, but also to a certain extent, 特许并支持非大学专业学校和其他非大学场所教师培训的扩大和合法化.” 

这些运动包括一种普遍的看法,即迫切需要改变教师的招聘方式, prepared, evaluated, and supported; the emergence of a market-driven private sector, coupled and in tension with test-based accountability; the increased influence of private philanthropy; new roles for technology in teacher preparation; the policy consensus that education, rather than social policies, could redress inequality; an amplified focus on the importance of practice in teacher preparation; and the increasing involvement of a new cadre of professional educators and educational entrepreneurs.

According to the study, 在过去的5到7年里,这些合力导致传统大学教师培训的太阳城网赌平台率下降了30%. During the same time frame, enrollment at some nGSEs has increased. However, 而ngse每年只负责培训一小部分新教师, 它们引起了不成比例的媒体关注,并为教师教育提供了私人和公共资金.

“实际上,没有关于这种新现象的太阳城官网,它代表了美国传统观念的重大突破.S. teacher education over the last 50-70 years,” said Cochran-Smith. “We found a lot of variation but also some common features, 例如,新的资助模式与基于实践的方法相结合,打破了大学的知识传统和结构.“ngse的教师培训不同于大学课程,也不同于快速入门路线, which assume that learning to teach occurs primarily on the job.

《太阳城官网》特别版由四个案例太阳城官网组成,这些案例太阳城官网来自第二阶段的太阳城官网, all written by former or current Lynch School doctoral students: Molly Cummings Carney, Ph.D. ’19; Elizabeth Stringer Keefe, Ph.D. ’17; and Andrew F. Miller, Ph.D.’17 (a Lynch School assistant professor); Juan Gabriel Sánchez, Ph.D. ’19; and doctoral students Marisa Olivo and Reid Jewett Smith.    这些案例表明,基于对良好教学的广泛不同看法,ngse的使命和目标差异很大, the knowledge needed to instruct well, and the pedagogies and practices that support the learning-to-teach process, said Cochran-Smith.

Cochran-Smith, Stringer Keefe, and Jewett Smith close the special issue with a co-authored article, 他们断言,nGSE领导者倾向于在他们的机构中构建教师培训,部分原因是他们认为他们的项目与大学教师培训项目之间存在明显的差异. 这些差异为教师培训转移到新的非大学组织提供了理由, 尽管nGSE领导人对大学准备的问题表达了不同的看法.  However, 太阳城官网小组发现,在不同的nGSE网站上,教师准备的概念和实施方式存在明显差异.

“On the one hand, nGSE的领导者根据他们认为的他们的项目和大学的教师准备项目之间的显著差异来构建他们机构的教师准备项目, 这是他们将教师准备工作转移到新校区的主要理由之一, non-university organizations,” conclude the researchers. “On the other hand, 在nGSE网站内部和网站之间,教师准备的概念和实施方式存在着鲜明的对比, 主要取决于潜在的假设和价值观以及特定ngse所依附的更大的专业和政治目的之间的相互作用.”

Phil Gloudemans | University Communications | May 2021